Back in December I was contacted by the international design and art book publishers Gestalten. During that time they were working on a new book based on the success of their first paper craft book. While researching the topic they came across my work and asked if they could include my movie “Kryten Flip top Head” in the DVD which was to accompany the book. Thrilled to be invited to make a contribution I provided the files they had requested. In March this year I had received a complementary copy of their finished book Paper Craft 2.
Paper Craft 2 is an inspiring collection of works from artists, designers, illustrators, sculptors, graphic designers etc. and explores the current developments in contemporary design with paper. The free bonus DVD also features a collection of short films which utilize the versatility of this basic material.
Some of the work in this book is truly amazing, if you ever get a chance to look through it or are lucky enough to buy yourself a copy it’s really worth it - Truly inspiring stuff!!