Last and most important step in the creation of a model kit is to provide some assembly instructions. If you decide to cut corners at this stage then people will struggle to make your design and just give up altogether. I tried a lot of different formats and illustration methods for this because in my mind it's essential to provide good instructions that are easy to follow. In an ideal world I would like to be able to design them as interactive e-books which can be downloaded, but that's something I am unable to achieve at this stage. One day though - fingers crossed.
Finally I settled on a A5 booklet format which is something I can reproduce to order. Each component part has been given a number so you can identify which piece goes where. Creating assembly instruction is also quite a long process, partly because you need to double check that the numbers on the printed sheets correspond correctly with the one's within the instruction manual. While sometimes you may have to change the order in which theses part's are put together to make it easier to construct, which will inevitably mean changing the number order as well. Then the who thing has to be checked again, just in case something got overlooked. I put a lot of work into these and am pleased with the final results, hope you are too.