Ah - the 80's... (nostalgic sigh)
I must have around eight years old back then. Masters of the Universe cartoons on the TV, computers were in their infancy, no one knew anything about the internet and the mobile phone which was as big and heavy as a house brick, was used purely to boost a yuppie's status...
Through out my childhood I was obsessed by only two things, Masters of the Universe and making things out of cardboard. I especially loved the cut-out and slot together promotional models which, (back in those days), were frequently found on the back of cereal packets. They were a great source of inspiration and fun, enabling me to experiment and create designs of my own out of paper and card.
My all time favorite models to collect at the time were Weetabix's, BIxie, Brian, Dunk, Crunch & Brains. AKA. The Neat Wheet Gang. You can imagine my nostalgic joy when I finally found a downloadable Bixie model after all these years...
Inspirational times for an aspiring paper engineer - not that it even dawned on me at the time that you could make a living out of this hobby....